What It Means to be Light Worker
I don’t know about you, but nowadays, I see the terms ‘lightworker’ everywhere.
Care about the planet and wanting people to do proper diet? Lightworker.
Care about the animals and wanting people to be a vegan? Lightworker. (I know, I know. Vegan has its own dualistic perception in the public eye, but still. Their core message is good for the planet. SO…. Lightworker.)
Care about the needs of many people and making sure they have proper treatment based on what they need? Light….. *wait for it* ………worker!!
What Is Lightworker ?
When it first came in the year of 90s, the term lightworker didn’t quite appreciated by the public as it is now. People still think these people are bunch of lunatics that thinks they want to make themselves looks better despite of the ‘failure’ life they are experiencing.
Hold your guns.
Time goes by and they actually prove themselves right and little by little, what they were saying comes into reality.
We, as a collective human beings, slowly waking up to the fact that we are not just our human body. We are all spiritual beings having experience as a human.
Our time here is limited, which is why it’s very important for us to be waking up to the reality that it is of no use for us to live in the state of fear or worried, as these are the emotions that held human beings down for such a long time.
Light workers are the people that came here with the assignment to wake people up from this reality.
This reality of rat-wheel where nothing will ever gets enough and we will always feel hungry and wanting more, are only illusions. It’s what we as collective consciousness wants to experience : We want to have freedom to express ourselves and be whoever we came here to be.
But as soon as we are coming into this reality (Which is planet earth), we are being greeted with bunch of social construct and matrix rules that forces us to live our life a certain way.
You know, the typical 9 to 5 ‘hustle’.
Do we really have to spend our life doing things we don’t like just to impress people we don’t even know?
If your answer is no, lightworkers are the people that are coming here to this dimension and reality to prepare you for what you’re asking for : a better life.
It’s not ‘better’ in a sense of ‘better money’ or ‘better appearances’. What I meant by better is being authentic to who you really are and what you really long to be.
When your life is being touched by a lightworker, it’s not going to be the same. You will feel profound sense of realization, as you waking up to the truth of who you really are at a soul level.
So.. Is These Lightworkers Are Special People ?
In a sense.. Yes. They are special.
They are special because they have this mission of wanting to spread the light and holding on the vibrations of truth. The frequency of authenticity that they long to spread.
They are special because they are so, incredibly sincere, that their number one priority is how to make others around them feel and live a better life.
They are special because of their innate understanding and compassion towards others, nature, and the whole universe.
But most importantly, they are special, because you can be them too.
Light workers are people that decide to be one.
We all are the embodiment of the one source (Which is All that is/unity consciousness/God), and we are here as a fractal that forgot its own divinity. We are all divine, we just forgot.
And if we decide to live our life as an authentic being, without being scared of the social construct, and what other people would think about us : Guess what? You are holding space for light.
You are one of the lightworkers.
If you like what you read, let’s keep in touch!
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If you have any question, you can shoot me an email to vour_essence@gmail.com .
See you there!
About Me
Writer. Freelancer. Half child-like and half old soul. A person that aspires to help people discovering themselves through spirituality and entrepreneurship. I do tarot readings in between writings and contemplating.