People Don’t Realize You Do These 9 Things Because You Have an Anxiety Problem

Vour Essence
4 min readAug 20, 2023
Photo by Joice Kelly on Unsplash

When you have an anxiety problem, you will do some things unconsciously; often without even realizing why.

It’s quite difficult for other people to recognize the signs, and sometimes you ended up being misunderstood. Those who battle anxiety daily often find themselves engaging in behaviors that may seem unusual or unnecessary to others. Let’s talk about nine common things people do because of their anxiety problems, helping to cultivate empathy and understanding for these people.

Overthinking Every Decision

Anxiety has a way of taking even simple choices and blowing them out of proportion. From figuring out what to wear to stressing over where to eat, people with anxiety often get stuck in a loop of overthinking and doubting themselves. This happens because they’re afraid of making mistakes. This internal struggle to find the perfect answer can be really tiring. Sadly, sometimes they feel like they have no other option but to go along with it.

If you are one of these people, I know it’s very hard to stop and simplify the problems that make you anxious. However, it’s not entirely impossible. Try to identify your destructive thinking patterns and recognize that you are overthinking things right now. Focus on the…



Vour Essence

A Virtual Assistant & Spiritualist. I share what would be useful for our healing journey: Discovering, Learning, and Creating Authentically.