On Finding The Right Niche…

Vour Essence
Writers Guild
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2018


Photo by Quinten de Graaf on Unsplash

Finding the right niche for you is hard.

It’s flipping hard, especially when you are a college student who has no interest in classes you are in (Which means the things you supposed to be major at, you don’t care very much).

Or when you feel like you are surface-ly good at anything. You know, when you have the ability to ‘kind of’ master something in a day because you are a quick thinker…

…Only to find out that there is much more depth into the topics.

Then you find yourself exhausted, trying to keep up with so many informations regarding your new found topics.

Picture source

As a 23 years old beginner writer, there are so many things I have to learn. So many things I thought I understand. And so many things that goes into my head right now.

Yep, the so-called ‘information overload’.

I just wanna soak up all the information and leave trails of it to everyone. I wanna make my writing feeds looks like this :

I just learned that all successful people reads a lot. *Lists all the best books in history*


Do you know that we are the last ‘homo’ species on earth after homo neanderthalensis? They are awesome and all, but we lost them about 40,000 years ago.


It’s just awesome how according to MJ DeMarco (The author of Millionaire Fastlane), we’ve been deceived into consumerism behavior and all of those video games are distractions that are designed for making us blinded from our true potentials.


There are so many things I wanna write and share, yet can’t. Because according to many resources, finding niche is really important for the sustainability of your business. Being scattered just won’t do.

The logic of it is so clear and precise, I can’t help but goes along with it.

After long considerations and contemplation about what niche should I take, I decided to make a list about what’s important in deciding the right niche for me.

Let me share it today with you, the trick is to make a list of everything, and then combine it.

  1. Find the things that you are good at, things that you can do without much effort. Things that comes naturally to you could be deceiving because it would looks so easy for you. You’d think ‘there is no way other people can’t do it. It’s so easy!’. Yep, the deception is right over there. It’s not that easy and people do find difficulty in doing that. This is why it is your superpower.
  2. Find the things that gives you pleasure. You know those activities that you do every now and then, the one who seems to get you sucked into your ‘zone’? You feel like times flying by everytime you are doing this particular activities. It’s just feels so good to concentrate yourself into these activities. It makes you happy. You wanna do that more and more throughout our entire life? Choose them. Make it into your lists.
  3. Find the things that could help other people/solve their problems. Things that you are good at could be a huge help for other people. Maybe they need the informations you already have. Maybe they need resources that you offer. Maybe they need you to show them the way to mastery, the one you already achieved. Try to make a list of possible problems for specific kind of people and how you can help them overcoming these problems.

There you go, three categories, no more.

It’s really up to you to use further the informations you’ve been gathered, but the way I do it is like this.

I list everything I am good at in each categories, then I tried to combine them.

There in the sweet spots, that’s what I wanna aim as my niche. Combined with appreciation, it will be BOMBED.

Appreciation is activities that makes you feels appreciated while doing that.

For beginners, appreciations could means that it will come long after you hustle and align to your crafts. When people began to notice your works and decided that your works are marvelous.

That moment, people will flocks to you and appreciate you for doing what you are doing.

Because you helped them achieve more clarity. Because you helped them find what they are looking for. Because you helped them deciding ways to improve their quality of life.

You will feel appreciated while doing that, to the point of making you forget how tired you are.

The key here is not to give up until you get to that point.

So to put simply :

Finding the right niche for you is hard, but it’s more than possible.

You just have to find the things you are good at, things that will help people solving their problems if you are doing it, and things that makes you happy while doing that.

Combine them all, and you get your ordinary niche.

Keep working on it until you master your crafts, and you will find that your work is appreciated by people.

This is where you know that your niche, BOMBED.




For me personally, that niche would be lingered around spirituality and entrepreneurship.

What is yours?

About Me

Asian. Writer. Freelancer. A person that’s really passionate about helping people discovering themself through spirituality and entrepreneurship. I do tarot readings in between writings and contemplating.

If you want to connect or read more of my works, you can check out my blog or my instagram page.

Invitations to collab and questions are also welcomed :)

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Vour Essence
Writers Guild

A Virtual Assistant & Spiritualist. I share what would be useful for our healing journey: Discovering, Learning, and Creating Authentically.